Animals Behaving Badly

Hola, Missians! 

Hope this Saturday finds everyone doing well.  We just finished another great show about 20 minutes ago.  As usual, too much information--too little time.  But fear not, as always, we have links on our Facebook page for anything we couldn't fit in the show. 

For a little while, we were concerned that we might not be able to go on today, due to bad weather.  Luckily, the thunder and lightening stopped about 45 minutes prior to show time; so the show was saved.  Yay! 

Please feel free to leave comments and let us know how we're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Blogtalk Radio, or on this page.  We'd love to hear from you.  If you overcame a pet behavioral problem, tell us how you did it.  You might be helping some other pet owner out there going through something similar. 

We're getting even closer to episode 25.  We've made a decision on our topic--but won't unveil it yet.  Be patient.  Only one more episode to get through until then.  I am tentatively thinking of introducing my new show in either September or October.  I'm not sure yet if I will do the blog first, the radio show, or both.  The Missy Show will still be here for our "pet people" (D and I will always be pet people).  The new show will be something in a different genre.  Something positive.  Something to make you think.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Saturday.  I've had a good one so far, (visiting family, shopping with D), and plan to keep it going!

Until the next entry, this is your host J--signing off............................
