Jelly Belly Fridays With Missy The Tortie Cat

Happy Jellybelly Friday, Missians!

Here's to hoping that everyone has gotten their Fridays off to a great start.  We now have less than three weeks until Thanksgiving and exactly three weeks until Black Friday.  Even though we will remind you of this as we get closer to Thanksgiving, make sure you don't feed your furry friends any table scraps from the holiday menu that might contain bones (this could be a choking hazard); also be careful to keep desserts out of the reach of your pets. 

Though most people wouldn't purposely feed their pets desserts, with all the hustle and bustle going on during the holidays, it's easy to forget and leave a half eaten plate of food lying around for Fido or Morris to gobble up, (and trust me, if you own a dog, they definitely will); so just be sure to start thinking ahead about ways to keep your animal family members safe during the upcoming festivities.

We now have the complete schedule for The Missy Show for November.  One of our episodes will air on Friday, November 14th instead of the 15th.  This episode will be about the pros of adopting a senior pet.  It will also air 30 minutes later than normal.  We will be broadcasting at 5:30pm Central, instead of our usual 5:00pm.  We've also scheduled our last episode of November (which will be the 29th).  This post-Black Friday episode will center on holiday shopping ideas for your pet.  I was trying to provide links to the episodes, but the Blogtalk site isn't letting me log in, this morning.  But you can always go to our Blogtalk page and read the descriptions for our upcoming episode here:

Until tomorrow's show, everyone have a frisky, jellybelly Friday!!!!!!!!
This is your host J, signing off..............................................................................

Missy's ready for the holidays!
