Pets In Peril (Dogs Bred For Human Consumption)

Good morning, Missians!

I hope everyone is still having a great year so far.  I am feeling much better than I was the last two weeks of last year; but now D and I have switched places.  She's been feeling under the weather the past few days, so everyone be sure to send D some well wishes.

Now on to the title of today's post.  Someone informed me of an article on MSN yesterday about puppies who were rescued from another country, who were being raised strictly for food.  The pups are now safe here in the U.S. and being distributed among various shelters in the Mid-Atlantic states.  We've decided to do this Saturday's show on this topic.

Immediately, I found myself having feelings of outrage, but then I thought to myself:  Are we any better here in the United States?  We may find the thought of eating dogs or cats repulsive, but most Americans still consume other animals such as cows, pigs, turkeys, and chickens with no problem.  Are dogs and cats lives inherently more valuable than farm animals'?  Who gets to decide what animals are okay for human consumption and which ones are not?  Trust me, the thought of someone eating Missy, Bobbie, or Oreo is sickening to me.  But would eating a cat be any more wrong than eating a cow?  Just because something is foreign and gross to you, does that automatically make it wrong?

There are people in other countries who find eating cow and pig meat deplorable, but yet we do it here in America without blinking.  Let me be clear; I'm not saying that I agree with the idea of having a puppy or kitten burger (that's highly disturbing to me).  I can only see cats and dogs as companion animals in my mind--and I doubt that I can ever see them any other way; but I acknowledge that there are others out there (perhaps even in the U.S.), who view cat and dog meat the way I view sausage or bologna.  Which view is right?  Could both views be wrong?  Is it okay to consume any animal as long as it is humanely killed before it is prepared?  These are tough questions.  They are uncomfortable questions.  But we're going there on this Saturday's Missy Show.

PS, let me just say that I am super happy for those puppies.  I hope they all find good homes.  I really wish that all the animals in those situations could be rescued; but now there's a part of me that wants to also go and set all the cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and other animals free too.

I wonder if I could get used to celery sticks?

Be sure to join us this Saturday at 5pm Central.

Until next time,
This is your host J, signing off..........................................................

A puppy, not in peril.
