Friday Pet Trivia (Plus Other News)

Happy Friday, Missians!

Glad you could join us for this Friday Pet Trivia edition of Missy's Blog.  Before we get going with the Pet Trivia question, I wanted to let you guys know there is a possibility that tomorrow's show may be cancelled or rescheduled.  D was having some dental issues earlier this week, and has to have oral surgery today; so tomorrow, she may not feel well enough to do much talking. 

I spoke with her this morning, and she said there's a possibility she may still be able to do it.  I have even considered going solo and doing the episode by myself, (I don't think it would be as much fun or as interesting, but hey, I just might get adventurous and try it).  There might even be a possibility that I can get Ms. Evelyn, The Cat Whisperer to co-host--we'll see.  If I do end up cancelling the show or moving it, I will let you guys know on our social media pages as soon as I can.  Thanks!

Now onto our pet trivia question.  Name three of the world's slowest animals, (excluding turtles and snails).  If you think you know the answer, hit us up on our Twitter page at or on our Facebook page at
If we do air tomorrow, the answer will be given out on the show.  If we don't, I'll post it on our social media pages.

And remember, October 26th is National Mule Day, October 27th is National Pit Bull Awareness day, and October 29th is National Cat Day.  So don't forget to celebrate these awesome animals!

Until next time,

This is your host J,
signing off............................................................
