Friday Pet Trivia--Reindeer Edition

Happy Furball Friday, Missians!

It's time once again for our Friday Pet Trivia.  Before I start testing your knowledge, I just want to remind you all of tomorrow's episode, "When Pets Save Lives".  We'll be on at our usual time of 5pm Central.  Don't miss it!

Okay, now on to some reindeer trivia.  This time we'll have a couple of questions:

1.  True or False?  Only male reindeer grow antlers.

2.  How fast can a reindeer run?

3.  Do reindeer keep their antlers year round?

4.  Based on how Santa's reindeer team are depicted on television, does he have an all male, or all female crew of reindeer?  (Hint:  this ties in with the answer to the first and third trivia questions).

The answers to today's pet trivia questions will be announced on tomorrow's Missy Show.  See you then!

This is your host J,
signing off...........................................

Baby Missy
