Trivia & More Web Updates

Happy Friday, Missians!

Today's post will be short.  Just wanted to remind you all that "The Secret Life of Plants and How They Affect Your Pets" airs tomorrow at 5pm Central.  Don't miss it:

Also our Missy Show Game is now up and running on our website.  It's still in the early phases, but it's a playful way to learn some cool animal info.  It'll evolve as time goes by.  Stay tuned.  We also have a Animal/Pet News section on the site; so be sure to check it for updates and upcoming animal/pet holidays.  Our Upcoming Episodes page is now up to date through June 4th; so if you haven't checked that out, please do.

Okay, since we still have last week's trivia question that won't be answered until tomorrow's show, I'll just make this one simple: 

Counting tomorrow's episode, how many Missy Show Episodes have aired so far?

I know all the real fans know!

If you think you know the answer, hit us up on our "Contact Us" section of our website:

Okay.  Until tomorrow, here's to wishing everyone a Furtastic Friday!

This is your host J,
signing off..............................................

I'm a cute puppy!  Hi!
