Calling All Elk

Happy Fursday, Missians! 

It's time for another Featured Animal post!  Today's Featured animal is the Elk.  Since I did a post on Reindeer last December, I decided to do this one, featuring another animal from the deer family.  I just had to make sure that Elk and Reindeer weren't the same thing, (but if I remember my research correctly, it is Reindeer and Caribou that are indeed the same).  But enough of my rambling.  Happy December 1st!  Now let's get into some Elk Facts.  Today's article is from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:

Elk Basics

North American Elk, or Cervus elaphus, are split by some biologists into six subspecies:
  • Rocky Mountain (Rocky Mountain West, now transplanted to other locations) – largest antlers of all subspecies
  • Roosevelt's (Coastal Pacific Northwest) – largest in body size of all subspecies, but not antler size
  • Tule (Central California) – smallest body size of all subspecies
  • Manitoban (northern Great Plains)
  • Merriam's (Southwest and Mexico) - Extinct
  • Eastern (east of the Mississippi) – Extinct
