Puppy and Kitten Bowl Dates

Happy Fursday, Missians!

It's time for another edition of Missy's Blog--your official Missy Show blog.  Sorry I'm getting this out to you guys so late.  I actually had already written a big part of it earlier this morning, but things got super busy at work, and I never got to come back to it; but here I am now.  Better late than never.

Ok, before I announce some Puppy and Kitten Bowl dates, I want to update you all regarding The Missy Show.  Right now we're still doing some restructuring, so I can definitely tell you that the radio show won't be back for the month of January, and quite possibly February.  If we're able to get some things back up and running before that, you guys will be the first to know.

Until then, certain topics that might have been on the show, will likely just be rolled over into blog format.  So as far as the Puppy and Kitten Bowl, we'll still be keeping you in the know about all the players, but it will just mainly be on the blog, website, and social media pages.  With all that being said, I'm happy to inform you guys that the date and time for this year's Puppy and Kitten Bowl broadcasts has been officially announced.

Both the Puppy and Kitten Bowls will air February 5th.  The Kitten Bowl will still air on The Hallmark Channel, (12pm/11am Central time).  The Puppy Bowl will come on at 3pm Eastern/2pm Central, on Animal Planet.  I'm also happy to report that this year's Puppy Bowl will be showcasing three special needs pups!  And you can meet them now on the Animal Planet website.  But don't worry, you'll also get to meet them, plus all the other pups (and kittens) on our blog. 

Starting Monday until game day, we'll be putting the spotlight on certain special pups and kittens until we've covered 'em all!  We'll also discuss the teams--so stay tuned!  Ok, well that's it for now.  Because things have been so crazy, I think I'm gonna just post my Featured Pet and Animal Trivia on Saturday.  So see you then!

Until Saturday,
This is your host J,
signing off................

Puppies and Kittens coming soon!
