Groundhogs and Pups

Happy Groundhog Day!

Hopefully it was too cold in most places for you guys to run into any serpents yesterday, (for those out of the loop, see yesterday's post).  I think we can all agree, we'd much rather see Mr. Punxsutawney Phil, everyone's favorite groundhog.  For more information about the Groundhog Day tradition check out this classic Missy Show episode:

And now onto another breed of Fursday Furries--our remaining Puppy Bowl Contenders!  Let the puppy show begin...

Nyquist, Team Fluff
12 week old Oliver, Team Fluff
Meet the most adorable dog ever, Panda.

Is this a doll or what?  Introducing Parfait.
Check out the bite sized, Peanut

Aren't I precious?  And yes, that's really my name.
Reppin' for Team Ruff, it's Puddles
Team Fluff's Fluffiest, Rory
All dogs envy my coat.  Why wouldn't they?  I'm Sable.
He actually favors a cozy house shoe.  Meet Slippers.

Aww, look at that adorable face.  It's Smooshie.

I'm a little stinker called Squirt.

My coat's like vanilla-choco ice cream.  My name's Stormy.
Okay, guys.  That's it for now.  You've nearly seen all the players (except 10).  Meet our last 10 players and the remainder of the kittens on tomorrow.  Until then, remember the battle is nearly upon us!  Who are you rooting for?

This is your host J,
signing off.......................................
