March 2017 Holidays

It's Freestyle Frisky Friday time!  And you know what that means, don't you?  The weekend draws ever closer, (c'mon 5 o'clock)!  Right now, I'm still working on the Live Stream and don't see any reasons why we won't be a go for March 25th.  As of now, my co-host D, is onboard to participate too.

Okay, now for the meat of today's post.  Instead of Animal/Pet trivia, I'm going to share all the upcoming Animal and Pet holidays for March with you.  So without further adieu, here are your March 2017 Holidays.  Today's holiday list is courtesy of holidays and

March Animal Holidays

  • Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month
  • Dolphin Awareness Month
2017 Weeks: 
  • International Festival of Owls - March 3-5, 2017
  • National Aardvark Week - Second Week of March
  • National Animal Poison Prevention Week - March 19-25, 2017 (Third Full Week of March)
  • National Wildlife Week - March 14-18, 2016 (2017 date TBA)
  • Termite Awareness  Week - March 12-18, 2017
  • Turkey Vultures Return to the Living Sign - March 11-17
2017 Days: 

March Pet Holidays

2017 Weeks: 

  • National Animal Poison Prevention Week - March 19-25, 2017 (Third Full Week in March)
  • Professional Pet Sitters Week - March 5-11, 2017 (First Full Week in March)
2017 Days: (Sorted by Date)
2017 Festivals and Events:
  • Crufts (The World's Largest Dog Show) held in Birmingham, England - March 9-12, 2017
  • Iditarod Race - Starts March 4, 2017 - Awards Banquet on March 19, 2017arch Pet Holidays
Well that's all for now.  Check back on Monday for more from Missy's Blog.

Until then,

This is your host J,
signing off...............................

I'm on a mission, people!
