All American Pet Photo Day

Happy Tortie Tuesday!

Thanks for checking us out once more, as we continue our Christmas in July Celebration, by celebrating all July's Pet and Animal holidays!  Before I give you guys the goods on our next celebration, I just want to let you know what's up with the show.  We were supposed to have an episode on "Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome," this past Saturday, but I needed to offer some support to a member of the fam, whose dealing with some health related stuff.  Thank goodness, they're doing better.

The "Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome" show will now air on July 22nd at 5pm Central.  I decided not to do one this Saturday, because that would throw off my original schedule, I announced on our last show; and right now, our current show schedule lines up just the way I need it to, for an upcoming, mini-trip, I'll be having in August.  I'll give you guys a reminder, as we get closer to show time.

Okay, now for today's holiday, All American Pet Photo Day!  Got a pet?  Great!  Then today's an awesome day to go out and take some pictures.  Rainy day? Then stay in the comfort of your home, and snap away.  I think most of us who're the proud parents of a fur-baby, (or in some cases, the not-so-furry-variety), know a thing or two about taking tons of pictures of them.  I know, my phone is full of Missy's pictures--not to mention pics of my mom's Tabby cat, Bobbie, and other cats that have graced our family with their presence, over the years.  We haven't had many dogs do long stints since I was a kid; but for the dogs my family members or friends have had, I took pics of them too!

So in honor of today's holiday, why not spend some quality time, hamming it up with your pet in front of the camera?  This call's for all pets:  dogs, cats, iguanas, pigs, horses, cows, snakes, chickens, donkeys, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, rabbits, goldfish--heck, this is even for tarantulas!  If I didn't give your pet a shout-out, no worries.  It's your job to post some fabulous pics today, on social media, to let me and the rest of the world, see just how awesome your favorite animal is.  And don't forget to put the hashtag, #allamericanpetphotoday.

To get you guys started, here are some pictures of my favorite animal, plus two special guests:

It's Christmas in July! #allamericanpetphotoday


I like artificial trees.

Artificial trees are great for hunting and hiding.

Hey there!

It's Nickles!

Baby Missy on the scene.

Our guardian angel, Huey, says see you back here tomorrow for another fab animal holiday!
