Monday Mutt Day/Hiatus

Happy Mondo Missy Monday, Missians!

I noticed that I actually did miss a holiday on Saturday, which was International Tiger Day; so I wanted to take this time to give a special shout out to all the tigers in the world.  You know, cats are my favorite animals, and tigers are one of the most beautiful animals within the cat family.  To get a feel for the specialness that tigers embody, check out this story about seven tigers living with a Brazilian family:

Before I continue with today's Pet Holiday, (and before we say goodbye to July), I need to mention that I've decided to take an internet hiatus for the month of August.  I think I'm experiencing some technology burnout, so I'm going to go on an internet fast.  I've taken a break from putting out Missy Show episodes before, (when we had changes with Blog Talk Radio), but this will be my first time, taking a break from our social media pages too.  I may have some posts already put in the que ahead of time, that will post automatically throughout August for my Facebook group, (because I have more people active there); so that way it won't appear that I'm totally gone.  I've researched getting an app that will allow me to do the same for Twitter, but at this point, I may just have "radio silence" over there for now.  Because I was posting all the pet and animal holidays on my blog, for the month of July, I didn't post them on The Missy Show website at Weebly.  I will have all the August holidays posted there, (and September), so you can check them out there at:

I'll pick things back up on September 1st.  I will still be periodically checking my email, so if you need to contact myself or D, you can still hit us up at  I apologize for any inconvenience, and this is really hard for me, but I think I need this time to chill out a bit, and come back fresh and more focused.

Now, onto today's Pet Holiday, today is Mutt's Day!  If you have a special mutt in your life, today is his or her day to be celebrated.  Mutts deserve just as much love as purebreds do.  Every dog I've ever had, (which hasn't been a lot), has been a mutt; but that didn't matter at all to me.  Like most people, all I knew was what I felt for them--nothing but love.  So why not pamper your special mutt today by giving him a special doggie treat or taking him for playdate in the park?  And of course, you want to ensure that your little guy or gal has all of his or her vaccinations, and keeps all their checkups.  Also make sure you're feeding your special dog according to its age group.  Puppies and senior dogs have different nutritional needs.

And in keeping up with Mutt's Day, July is also National Dog House Repairs Month.  So if your dog's house isn't in the best shape, now's the time to remedy that situation.  Let's get to repairing!

I think the only other holiday I didn't mention was Coral Reef Awareness Week, which was the third week of July.  Read here for more info about the importance of our Coral Reefs:

Well, that's it for now, Missians!

I'll miss you guys during this 31 day hiatus, but just know we'll be back in September, fresh, rested and focused--and we'll be that much closer to our October Pet Spooktacular.  See you guys back here again on Friday, September 1st.  And remember, I'll still have some posts for those of you in the Facebook group, periodically through August, (and you can email us if you need to).  Thank you all for being so supportive over the past few years.  D and I love you all!  Have an Awesome August!

Until September 1st,
This is your host J,
signing off....

PS:  I'm leaving you with some pictures of my niece's friend's cute puppy, Zeus:
I'm so adorable!

Hi, I'm Zeus
