Are Cats Really A$$holes?

Happy Friday, Missians!

Glad you could join us for today's edition of Missy's Blog.  I was supposed to have this post ready to go for you guys, yesterday, but the day just kind of went left, so I had to put it on hold, until today.    So with that out of the way, let's get right down to it.  We all love cats, right?  I know I do.  But somehow, along the way, they've developed a reputation for being assholes.  You can pull up a myriad of YouTube videos on the subject--like this one:

Or this one:
But what's the real story?  Are they really the jerks they're made out to be?

Considering that I love and adore cats, (and have called a few my own over the years), I think I might be qualified to chime in on this topic.  Yes, cats can be jerks, but way less so than people.  But the qualities that make them jerks, are also the very things that I love about cats.  They wouldn't be the same to me without those qualities.

1.  They will knock your stuff over
Don't ever be silly enough to leave something on a table unattended, if you don't want your cat to knock it over.  Especially if it's something small or breakable.  They can't resist knocking it to the floor. They will see that as a toy.  You've been warned.

2.  Lounging is kind of their thing 
If you're typing something on your computer, cats have been known to come and lay on your keyboard to get warmth from the computer--or just because they want more attention from you.  Stop your darned typing!  Pay attention to me now!  Missy was classic for this, (except she would sometimes be nice and simply lay in the space between my husband and his keyboard).

3.  Straightening your bed is a game to them 
Straightening beds is always a gleeful experience for cats, (though maybe not so much for the humans doing the straightening).  At just the sound of my fluffing sheets, Missy would run with utter joy to pounce on the bed and interrupt me.  Once there, it might be five or ten minutes before I could coax her down.  Jerky behavior?  Yeah.  But she enjoyed it.  And her enjoyment made me happy.  Everybody wins.

4.    They'll jack up your Christmas Tree 
This is what Missy lived for.  Every time I would pull out my tree to start putting it together, she would think I was initiating a game, and start hiding in the pile of  branches I had laid out.  Whenever I would go to grab some branches to get the tree put together, she would attack my hands.  This continued even after I got the tree together and began to decorate it.  By that point she'd already jumped into and climbed nearly the top of my 7 and 1/2 foot tree, (nearly knocking it over with her fatness), while pawing at my hand as I fluffed branches and added decorations.  She was having a ball, (and sometimes breaking my glass Christmas balls).  But you know what?  Everything about our Christmas tree ritual delighted me.  I looked forward to it every year.

Missy's back legs sticking from beneath the half-constructed tree

5.  Your gift wrapping is intoxicating to them 
And one of my all time favorites is when you're attempted to wrap presents and as you're cutting the wrapping paper, and laying out the strips, your cat excitedly plops down on your paper, (and sometimes tears it); and you have to wait until they move their fat tushies to another spot until you can finish.  This can be especially frustrating if you're wrapping on a timeline.  But once again, it made me happy, and I saw it as an opportunity for us to bond.

6.  They'll crap on your sheets 
One of my least favorites, (and one of the things that are the most a$$-holish behaviors to me), is when they decide they want to take a dump or pee in the most inappropriate of places.  I'm not counting when they have some type of bladder infection or other ailment that's causing them to go outside the litter box; I'm talking about those times where health issues have been ruled out, and they're just doing these things because it's just what cats do sometimes.  One or two times Missy left a "present" for us in our bed.  It was nicely piled, and was solid at least, so the clean-up was easy--but I was still left thinking, "Really"!!??

7.  They're super indecisive. 
Missy could never make up her mind if she really wanted to go outside, or if she wanted to come back in.  She would go and sit by the door and whine for us to open it and let her go in the back yard.  Then like five minutes later, she was back at the door whining, wanting to come back inside.  Then after being in for about 5-10 minutes, she wanted to go back outside.  Good times.  Not really.  On second thought, yes, really.

8.  They can be divas when it comes to water. 
Cats demand that their water be super fresh.  I get this.  But when you put perfectly fresh water in their bowls, and they're still demanding you cut on a gentle stream of sink water every so often throughout the day, it can get sort of old after a while, (but then again, I'm a cat person, so a part of me loves that as just being another part of their cat-ness).

There are others, but for brevity's sake, I'll keep it at eight.  This post was supposed to be about today's topic, plus other animal myths; but I'm going to have to save the second part for another post.  Ultimately, do I really think cat's are assholes?  Yes and no.  Mostly, they're just being cats.  But at the end of the day, most pets can be jerks some of the time, (just like people).  Any animal is going to have some things about their personalities that could be deemed annoying to some.  But for me, the things that make people label cats as jerks, are the very things that mainly endear them to me.  Cats are a big batch of awesome sauce!

That's it for now.  Check back on Monday for the start of our 2nd annual Monday, Mythical Beasts Post.

Until then,
This is your host J,
signing off...

Missy lounging on my Christmas ribbon while I'm trying to decorate
