Scoop the Poop

Happy Wednesday, Missians!

Today marks the beginning of National Scoop the Poop week. 

What exactly is Scoop the Poop Week? 

Scoop the Poop Week serves to remind dog owners of how important it is to take along a scooper and disposable bag when taking their dogs out for a walk.  After all, no one wants to be out for a walk or run and find that they've stepped into some yucky poop!  This is why it's common courtesy to clean up behind your pet--especially if your pet is taking a poop in someone's yard!  Remember, your dog doesn't know how to clean up after itself.  That responsibility falls on you.

Here are three more reasons why you should "scoop the poop."  These are courtesy of Parnell Living Science:

  • It's Scoop the Poop Week, a Celebration of Doing our Part

  1. Dog poop isn’t fertilizer. Some people mistakenly think it acts as a natural fertilizer. This is simply not true. Cow manure (a good fertilizer) is very different than dog poop (not at all a fertilizer) because of the difference in diets.
  2. It can cause disease. The EPA points to the fact that canine poop has more harmful bacteria than human poop. Dog poop has E. coli and fecal coliforms that can cause disease. A gram of dog waste can contain 23 million coliform bacteria! Eww!
  3. It pollutes rivers, streams and lakes. If not disposed of properly, rain will wash the pet waste and bacteria that come with it into nearby streams and creeks. This can kill fish and wildlife, plus it decreases water quality.

And in case you aren't sure how to go about cleaning up behind your dog after its business is done, the article goes on to provide four steps to make things clear:

4 easy steps to clean up doggie poop

  1. Being prepared is key; so carry disposable bags while walking your dog.
  2. Turn the bag inside out so that your hands are on the outside.
  3. Grab the poop quickly. Pull through the bag and tie it up and voila! The poop is safely in the bag!
  4. Just like you do when you go to the bathroom: Wash your hands when you get home.

Be sure to check out the whole article for more info on doing your part to keep neighborhoods and other public areas free of poop. 

Until next time, 

This is your host J,
signing off...
