What Happened to Christmas in July & Other Things Missy

Happy Thursday, Missians!

Okay, okay.  I already know...

I've missed the last three or so Christmas in July blog posts, (this past Sunday, this past Tuesday, and the Tuesday before).  What can I say?  I just couldn't get it together in the midst of all the changes and disruptions from this seemingly upside down state that the world (and myself) seems to be in.   Like for a lot of you, everything's a bit topsy-turvy for me, right now. 

Luckily, I haven't had anyone in my family or close circle end up getting sick from the virus, and I'm still employed, but things are still "out of sorts" for me.  So, despite my wanting to carry on with Christmas in July as normal, I just couldn't get into it the way I had been in the past; and I decided to not try to throw makeup posts together at the last minute.

Now, let me tell you guys where I'm at.  For August, I'm going "radio silent" again.  I think the past two Augusts I've used the entire month to disconnect from social media; so, I'm going to follow that trend and use next month to regroup.  That translates to: no blog posts, website, or social media presence for the whole month, (with the exception of maybe changing out some pics or minor site maintenance).  In September, I'll be back on our Missy Show Facebook and Twitter pages, and try to have some fresh content on the site, but still no blog posts.  Then in October, the blog posts return with our 2020 October Pet Spooktacular posts, (and likely even our traditional Pet Spooktacular shows on YouTube or Blog Talk Radio). 

Edit:  I will do one blog post in September on the 26th or 27th, announcing the Pet Spooktacular schedule.

Before I close this post, I want to once again thank you all for your patience and for hanging with us here, at The Missy Show throughout the years!  D and I greatly appreciate your loyalty to our show and blog; and we both hope that all of you remain safe, healthy, and well through these difficult times.  And just know, we're still committed to bringing you all the latest in fun and informative pet topics!

We love you guys!!!

We'll see you back here at the end of September to announce this year's October Pet Spooktacular schedule!

Until then,
This is your host J,
signing off... 
